The Glass from Mars!

Mars high resolution image. Mars is a planet of the solar system. Sunrise with lens flare. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.


Elon Musk is a genius of many talents. He is the one person that has forced the world’s auto industry to change forever, he is redefining transportation with tunnels and the hyperloop, and most remarkable of all he is leading the charge to make humans a multi-planetary species with the exploration of Mars. Now, let’s do an exercise, let’s say that this future on Mars is now a reality. Humans are fully settled and even have recreational facilities such as bars and clubs. What if Elon goes to one of these bars and orders a drink? What type of glass can you capture him drinking from? Let’s dissect:

It Must Be Futuristic

Mars is the future for humanity. It is destined to be radically different in every ramification from what we know on earth. When this future becomes reality, you can expect the most subtle things to follow in the Mars culture that is forward-looking. The most important thing in any bar is the glass in which the customer is going to have their drink. We can confidently say that the glass found in Martian bars will have a distinct look that is radical, futuristic, and bold. Say goodbye to round-shaped glasses. To give you an idea, think of the CyberTruck, which is often referred to as Mars’s first automobile. Not only is this car electric, but one look at it tells you that Elon loves different and will never follow the status quo. The glass from which Musk drinks on Mars will definitely not look like any round thing you’ve seen before

It Must be Illuminated

Glass and light have always played beautifully together for centuries. Mars being the red planet with not as much ambient natural light as is abundantly available here on earth, The glass of Martian bars will look stunning and stand out in any lighting environment, and to achieve that it must have its own light source that is integrated within it. Combining the potent mix of light, glass, and sweet beverages will give you a solid sense that you are far from planet earth. The light will remind you that you are now among the stars and looking to a future within them. Breaking the one planet jinx has always been a passion of Elon, what better way to encompass that philosophy than with illuminated glassware? Being bold, different, and not shy to disrupt the status quo, is the Elon Musk way, and in time it will be the Martian way.


The NEO Glass was Inevitable

With these two pillars in mind, Afterlight set out to create the glassware of the future, glassware that Elon Musk himself will be proud to drink from once he conquers the big red planet. Working intensively for over a year with a team of visionary experts, we came up with the perfect glass that mirrors this vision of the future. NEO Glass is a high tumbler, unlike anything you’ve ever seen. It is sculptured with a unique shape that leans towards corners than spheres. Capturing the futuristic vibe that a future Martian inhabitant can relate with. The glass has a unique form that gives it a solid grip and a unique way to blend light, liquid, and glass in the most glorious spectacle. The LightStar pod that illuminates this unique glass not only gives your beverage a unique look, it also helps reset your body clock that helps in the production of vital hormones that help your body function well. If Elon Musk was to walk into a bar TODAY, on Mars? He will choose the NEO Glass, not the boring glasses of old.

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